Giving » Angel Fund

Angel Fund

Where Students’ Dreams Take Flight Through Learning.

Many families who seek out a Center School education have often been underserved by their school districts, leaving their children with significant learning gaps.  
A specialized education comes with a higher price due to the expertise and resources needed in order to meet each child’s needs. Many families are unable to afford this type of schooling, even with the support of a tuition assistance program.  The Angel Fund provides additional financial resources so children can access the education they deserve
Center School student enjoying school, pottery class, and picture day

What is the Angel Fund?

The Angel Fund (AF)  has been established to support children whose families' financial needs exceed their own resources and those of Center School’s tuition assistance program.   
For current families, students have made growth as a result of the School’s programming, both academically and socially-emotionally, but the family is facing a financial burden that can include:
  • District funding has been expended, and the child is not ready to transition from Center School.
  • There is an unexpected financial hardship that has occurred within the family.
    The family has multiple children to enroll.
For prospective families, the family has expressed a strong desire to join Center School, and the child’s diagnosis profile matches that of other Center School students.  The family must show evidence that the cost of tuition exceeds their ability to pay.  Like returning families, prospective families can also qualify if the family has multiple children to enroll. 

How to Donate

The Angel Fund has various ways donors like you can support a student’s education at  Center School:
  • Donate a flat amount to the fund, and we’ll ensure that your gift is distributed to an  AF student(s).
  • Donate a flat amount to sponsor a specific AF student:
As  an anonymous supporter
As  an identified supporter
  • Co-sponsor an AF student with another donor.
When you decide to sponsor a student through the Angel Fund,  you can choose to receive updates on their progress and how your support has impacted their family.
QR Code to donate to Angel FUnd
Payments can be made via check, by using the QR Code provided, or by simply selecting the donate button below.  
    Images of Center School students enjoying school, entering the building and enjoying their first day.                             
“Discovering a school that truly understood my child felt like a miracle. Center School didn’t just address his learning needs, they unlocked his confidence and reignited his excitement for learning.”  ~ M. Family